
Institute heads

Photo Name Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Hübler
Chair of Data-infused Modeling in Structural Dynamics
+49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 615
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack
Chair of Façade Structures
+49 6151 16-23036
L5|06 639
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Kraus
Chair of Structural Analysis
+49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 620
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schneider
Chair of Structural Analysis
+49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 620

Group heads

Photo Name Contact
Dr. Nadja Bishara
Paper Construction and Design
Henrik Riedel M.Sc.
Structural Dynamics Unit
+49 6151 16-23011
L5|06 603
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Rosendahl
Center of Snow and Avalanche Research
+49 6151 16-23036
L5|06 639
Dr.-Ing. Miriam Schuster
Glass and polymers | Substitute professor in structural analysis (01.11.2023 - 31.03.2024)
+49 6151 16-23039
L5|06 628
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Seel
Head of Research Group Glass
+49 6151 16-23015
L5|06 661
Alexander Wolf M.A. Architekt
Generative Design Lab
+49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 639

Front office

Photo Name Contact
Susanne Roth-Gunkel
+49 6151 16-23064
L5|06 619
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Tanner
+49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 619
Silke Wallner
+49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 619

Research Assistants

Photo Name Contact
Valentin Adam M.Sc.
Center of Snow and Avalanche Research
+49 6151 16-23035
L5|06 626
Isabell Ayvaz M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23032
L5|06 607
Leon Bohmann M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23035
L506 626
Naomi Bosse M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23017
L5|06 416
Inés Burdiles M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23017
L5|06 416
Philipp Amir Chhadeh M.Sc.
+49 6151 16- 23019
L5|06 632
Niklas Dierksen M.Sc.
Max Fritzsche M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-20233
L5|06 109
Christin Gandyra M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23019
L5|06 632
Henriette Hoffmann M.Eng.
L5|06 465
Marvin Kehl M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23038
L5|06 414
Xenia Kirschstein M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23018
L5|06 420
Antonia Kohl M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23032
L5|06 607
Bernadette Lang-Eurisch M.Sc.
Energy Efficient Construction
+49 6151 16-23063
L5|06 462
Nils Meinhard, M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23014
L5|06 659
Juan Ojeda M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-21387
L5|06 414
Franz Paschke M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23062
L5|06 665
Dr.-Ing. Timon Peters
+49 6151 16-23017
L5|06 609
Joscha Reber M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23067
L5|06 462
Florian Rheinschmidt M.Sc.
Center of Snow and Avalanche Research
+49 6151 16-23035
L5|06 626
Maximilian Rupp M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23032
L5|06 607
Anja Schaffarczyk M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23018
L5|06 420
Hans Ignacio Scholz Campos, M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23014
L5|06 659
Kerstin Thiele M.Eng.
+49 6151 16-23014
L5|06 659
Yang Xue M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-21516
L5|06 465

Media and public relations

Photo Name Contact
Jan Leuwer BA (Hons)
Project DELTA

Lab staff

Photo Name Contact
Marcel Hörbert B.Eng.
+49 6151 16-23033
L5|06 665
Kay Schuchmann
+49 6151 16-23033
L5|06 665

Partners and Emeriti

Photo Name Contact
Dr.-Ing. Kaja Beer (ehemals Boxheimer)
+49 6151 16-20611
L5|06 632
Dr.-Ing. Andrei Firus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kolling
+49 641 309-2123
C11.2 09
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steven Lorenzen
Structural Dynamics Unit
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Müller-Braun
Dr.-Ing. Holger Schmidt
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schula

Partners and Emeriti

Photo Name Contact
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Ulvi Arslan
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann-Dietrich Wörner
Chair of Statics and Dynamics of Structures

Former Members

Former employees