Alexander Wolf M.A. Architekt
Group head
Generative Design Lab
Working area(s)
work +49 6151 16-23013
L5|06 639
Franziska-Braun-Straße 3
Wintersemester 2023/24
Summersemester 2021
2020-20…. Applied additive manufactured ceramics for the built environment (Dissertation)
2023-20… 3D Heritage-Brick
Development of a restoration process for historic masonry using additively manufactured bricks
2022-2022 Monitoring a Paper-building
Structural and building physics monitoring of a building made of paper materials to check the durability and validate the simulation results
2021-2022 A temporary Paper-House
Feasibility study of an integral paper building project focussing on constructive, indoor climate and ecological properties
2019-2020 Paper emergency shelters
light, mobile easy to install living space for disasters and unexpected demographic changes
-Printing Simulations: on the Behaviour of Clay in Additive Manufacturing with 6DOF
-Sustainable Ceramics: approaches on Recycling Surpluses ans Wastes from Brick Production
We are happy to supervise theses on the research topics listed above. You can find an overview of other topics currently offeredhere
. Furthermore, own suggestions for topics can be brought in after consultation.
M.Sc. |
Green clinker bricks - Customised AM bricks for green facades |
Bauer, S. (2024) |
B.Sc. |
3D-printed ceramics for indoor climate - Exploring the possibilities of 3D-printed ceramics to improve indoor comfort |
Wiese, D. (2023) |
B.Sc. |
3D-printed formwork for aerated concrete blocks - Research into novel strategies for the production of individualised blocks |
Heiden, A. (2023) |
B.Sc. |
Paperbrick - Development and testing of a formwork system made of paper materials for the construction of temporary walls |
Brummund, S. (2022) |
B.Sc. | Development of a test method to compare the resistance of 3 paper constructions under realistic moisture conditions |
Bosse, N. (2021) |
M.Sc. | Development of a ‘floating’ tensegrity staircase using the example of an existing double-flight staircase |
Lewandowska, M. (2021) |
M.Sc. |
Glass in the Built Environment - Future Trends in Façade Engineering |
Muth, J. (2021) |

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