Ein Werkzeug zur Prognose von Schneebrettlawinen

A tool for the prediction of slab avalanches

Master thesis

Winter sports enthusiasts and mountain infrastructure are constantly threatened by the danger of snow avalanches. But how do these avalanches actually form? Similar to the failure of constructions, avalanches can be traced back to a weakness in the snowpack. However, thanks to modern fracture mechanics and solid material knowledge, we are now facing new possibilities for predicting avalanches more accurately.

Research goal

The aim is to create a practical tool that allows users to immediately assess the initiation and propagation tendencies of snow avalanches by inputting snowpack data.

Study abroad opportunity:

We offer the possibility of a several-month stay at the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) in Davos, Switzerland.

Prerequisite knowledge:

To apply the results immediately, we intend to publish them on the web application White Risk. Therefore, basic programming skills are desired.
