Building Construction and Building Physics
Subcourse 2 (Module 13-D0-M001)

Basics of heat, moisture and sound insulation

The subcourse, which is designed as a lecture series, is supervised by the Institute of Materials in Construction and the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design and covers the presentation of the basic building physics relationships of heat, moisture and sound insulation, which are additionally explained using simple examples of typical building constructions. In this context, reference is also made to materials and their behavior in terms of building physics.

Course contents

  • Typical structural elements of building construction
  • Load-bearing and room-sealing structural elements
  • Constructional requirements
  • Interaction of different structural elements
  • Building physics behavior of different materials

General Information

CP Language Study programme Prerequisite Study examination Exam Semester
6 German B.Sc. none none written summer


  Name Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack
+49 6151 16-23036
L5|06 639
Prof. Eddie Koenders
+49 6151 16-22210
L5|06 207
Prof. Dr. Nadja Bishara

Exercise support

  Name Contact
Xenia Kirschstein M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23018
L5|06 420
M.Sc. Maximilian Mayer
+49 6151 16-22217
L5|06 216
Naomi Bosse
Naomi Bosse M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-23017
L5|06 416